New Group Solutions are proud to announce ISO9001:2015 accreditation.

Worldwide Recognition

The ISO9001:2015 standard is recognised worldwide. It reflects our ability to provide products and services that meet customer's needs.

The decision to pursue accreditation demonstrates our commitment to continuous improvement. We have had to demonstrate adherence to regulatory requirements and undergo an audit. The audit scrutinised our Quality Management System and ensured we had the policies, processes and procedures required for planning and execution.

Meeting Our Customers Needs

The practical application of our Quality Management System delights our customers. It reduces costs, increases operational efficiency and supports their business goals.

Gaining ISO9001:2015 status reinforces NGS Security drive to be the perfect contingency option for our customers.

Neil Green, CEO says:

"Our ISO9001:2015 accreditation is a great reflection of how dedicated we are as a company to excellence. It means our clients can be completely confident that we have the processes in place to meet their needs."


Racing Success at Brands Hatch